Nothing is more suggestive than spending the holidays immersed in the beauties of Rome. The Piccolo Mondo restaurant has prepared a very special Christmas menu.

You can celebrate in an elegant and exclusive location, a few steps from the famous Via Veneto and a short distance from the magical atmosphere of Piazza di Spagna, Via del Corso and Piazza del Popolo. In our restaurant you will find an warm welcome, fine wines and an excellent menu that combines modernity and tradition.


Christmas Menu 2018



Tasting of artichokes roman style, fried and raw € 15,00

Salad of crustaceans with potatoes, onions, celery and cherry tomatoes € 30,00

Salad of crustaceans with potatoes, onions, celery and cherry tomatoes € 16,00

Salad of crustaceans with potatoes, onions, celery and cherry tomatoes € 45,00



Homemade traditional pasta with ragu ‘ of meat and cheese € 20,00

Homemade pasta stuffed with meat in beef broth € 22,00

Homemade pasta with sea bass and lemon € 22,00

Gnocchi with clams and bottarga € 25,00


Main Course

Baked lamb with potatoes and rosemary € 30,00

Beef fillet with foie gras and catalogna chicory € 35,00

Mixed grilled fish, shellfish and crustaceans € 35,00

Catch of the day € 11,00 l’hg



Sacher cake € 13,00

Nougat parfait with pandoro sauce € 13,00

Christmas sweets € 13,00

Selection of small fruit ice creams € 20,00


To reserve: +39 06 42016034,

Why choosing “Italian style” raw fish instead of sushi? We often talk about the mistake of identifying raw fish with sushi, which has been popular in Italy for some years. In fact, like raw fish lovers know, there are several delicious alternatives to this typical dish of the traditional Japanese cuisine, widespread in other parts of the world for many years. Italian cuisine, as how far as raw fish is concerned, has nothing to envy to the Japanese one.

Fish properties

It is well known how important is to regularly eat fish, 2-3 times a week, for its multiple nutritional properties. In addition to phosphorus, vitamins and high quality proteins, fish is rich in Omega 3, mainly contained in salmon, tuna and the so called bluefish (codfish, anchovies, mackerel, etc.). These polyunsaturated fatty acids are very useful to prevent cardiovascular diseases, since they contribute lowering the cholesterol level in the blood and fighting inflammatory diseases. They also affect the blood pressure lowering and heart rhythm.
Therefore those who consume raw fish, in addition to satisfying their palate, have the advantage of fully enjoying the benefits of Omega 3, which can be modified by the cooking process.

Local delicacies

Thanks to the large variety of fish offered by our seas, Italian cuisine has always been creative in offering fish based recipes. Those who love fish in general, and raw fish in particular, will find in the Piccolo Mondo menu a variety of delicious dishes prepared with extreme care. We offer our clients carefully selected fish to grant them freshness and quality.
You can start your meal with a rich “raw mixed” dish, a triumph of fish that includes tastings of prawns, oysters, amberjack thin slices, tuna and salmon tartare. You can taste precious oysters or tasty dishes like amberjack thin slices with tomato, lemon and fresh basil; tuna tartare with strawberry vinegar and thyme; croaker fish cheviche with lime, coriander, raw pepper, red onion and ginger, just to give some examples. For the most demanding palates we have first choice lobsters on request.

If you like cooked fish more than raw, here you can find many appetizing dishes ranging from starters, like musky octopus and artichokes (fried in extra virgin olive oil) or grilled cuttlefish with herbs and grilled radicchio. Moving on first courses you’ll find tasty tonnarelli with cuttlefish gricia and asparagus or calamarata with grouper ragout and lime. Ending with second courses like a tender croaker fish filet with lime or a tuna steak with sesame and ginger vegetables.
These are just examples of the large choice of tasty fish dishes listed in our menu. If you love eating fish in all its different variations, il Piccolo Mondo is the right place for you! We are waiting for you!

For reservation contact us at +39 06 42016034.

Although this year the weather is acting up and summer is late, the organizers of the initiatives that have been populating Roman nights for years don’t lose their heart. The calendar, like every year, is full of concerts, theater shows, film events, guided tours, etc. organized to welcome tourists and locals, allowing them to spend pleasant outdoor nights. The evocative Roman beauties will contribute enriching the settings.

How this event came to life?

The first edition of Roman Summer, an event organized by the Roman municipality, date back to 1977 thanks to the initiative of the then councilor for Culture, architect Renato Nicolini. The initiative aimed to give citizens of all social classes the opportunity to take part in cultural and entertainment events organized in public spaces; this was exactly the reason that determined the initiative success.
Rome is an open air museum which offer alone enough scenarios to create the right atmosphere for any event.

Roman Summer 2018

The initiative success has continued over the years raising constantly, and the initiatives have multiplied and enriched with original ideas to grant the entertaining, socialization and the amusement of both adults and kids.
From the 1st of June the forty first edition of this event has begun, which will continue until September 30th. The various initiatives take place both in the city center and in the suburbs, with a program rich of perspectives, cinema, music, workshops, artistic initiatives, guided tours and much more.
They range from the classic open air screening of movies, to concerts and theatrical performances. But there are also more original choices such as multidisciplinary festivals or the use of an Ape Car, the Aperossa, equipped to set up outdoor arenas in different municipalities of the city.

It is possible to enjoy theatrical guided tours to discover the enchanted places of Rome, having actors in the guise of historical figures as guides.
Space is also given to experimentation, with artistic initiatives that see art and new technologies as protagonists.

The initiatives are really a lot and you’ll have plenty to chose from!
If you find yourself near via Veneto and you want to dine just before enjoying a beautiful outdoor evening, full of music and shows, we are waiting for you at il Piccolo Mondo restaurant, where you will taste traditional roman dishes and more.

For reservations contact us at 06 42016034.

Have you ever asked yourselves why Rome, even though it is not a maritime city, is often related to the sea? Its bond with this element has its roots in the history of the eternal city, when the imperial ships sailed the seas to discover new lands and conquer new worlds. Between Fiumicino and Ostia Antica you can admire the archaeological park, where once was the ships docking point, with the ruins of the port buildings. We are talking about the port of Trajan and its warehouses, an evocative place full of history.

The port of Trajan

In the port of Trajan (113 d.C.) there was the seaport of ancient Rome. The port system, which connected the sea and the river to the city, was the hub of mercantile trade and commercial activities of both Rome and Ostia Antica. As for the latter, the presence of the salt works of Ostia must be underlined, as they were a strong factor in the city’s economy. In this port the Roman ships docked and supplied the two cities with goods of all kinds, coming from different parts of the world. Sailing was faster than traveling by land and foodstuffs were offloaded from ships into the port of Trajan, and sold directly or transported to be crammed in the warehouses, guaranteed the existence of more than a million people.

From ancient Rome to nowadays

The Lazio coast is very rich in fish and this is one of the reason why in ancient Rome there were places like Ostia Antica and Trajan markets in the sea proximity. Serving fish in the center of Rome isn’t only meant to satisfy customers, but also to respect the history and the relationship that Rome has always had with the sea. In respect of the ancient tradition, here at il Piccolo Mondo we offer our customers a rich menu of fish from the Lazio coast, raw and cooked. The choice is vast and tasty! We start from raw fish with oysters, amberjack carpaccio (with tomato, lemon and fresh basil), stone bass ceviche (with lime zest, coriander, pepper, red onion and ginger), just to give some examples. Then we move to appetizers (eg grilled octopus with potatoes and black garlic), first courses (eg tonnarelli with cuttlefish gricia and asparagus) and main courses like rich grilled fish and may others recipes that will meet everyone’s taste.

We are excited to let you taste our seafood dishes surrounded by the contemporary Roman background, which holds an indissoluble bond with its origins.

For reservation contact us at +39 06 42016034.

The peas belong to the family of legumes, the same as beans, chickpeas, lentils, broad beans, etc., all provided with pods. They originate from the East and since the middle of the eighteenth century they have also been cultivated in the Mediterranean. There are various subspecies including the common pea or vegetable garden pea, with smooth or wrinkled whitish, yellow or green seeds, and the wild pea, which is found in the woods and has two-tone flowers. The plant is 30 centimetres to 3 meters high and for this reason, as well as for the morphology, we can distinguish some variants such as the dwarf peas, climbing and climbing seeds. Inside the pod there are seeds, in different number and shape depending on the species. Those on the market are smooth and green, but there are also wrinkled ones, with a different content of carbohydrates. The appearance of these seeds depends on the starch content, which in smooth seeds is prevalent, while in the wrinkled quality is accompanied by soluble sugars, which make the seeds very sweet. Some varieties are consumed with the pod, when the seeds inside are still very small, and are called mangetout peas.

Nutritional Features

The fresh peas are available in May and June, but can be consumed throughout the year in cans, frozen or dried. From a nutritional point of view, they are an excellent source of cholesterol-free proteins which, together with wholegrain cereals, represent an excellent alternative to animal proteins; they are also rich in water and contain up to 80% of them. Very high is the amount of folic acid, which has beneficial properties on the cardiovascular system, carbohydrates, are indeed a good source of energy with 70/80 Kcal per 100 grams, and fiber. Vitamins A, B and C, mineral salts such as iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium are abundant.

How to cook them

The peas, having a sweet and delicate taste, are great to be used for the preparation of various dishes. Stewed with smoked bacon or ham, they are suitable as a side dish or to dress fusilli, with the addition of cream, or to prepare tasty risottos. Cooking is simple: it is necessary to brown the chopped onion with the bacon in oil and then add the peas keeping the heat low. When the peas have blanched, add salt and a ladle of hot water and cover the pot. Continue cooking over low heat, adding hot water from time to time, until the peas are cooked. At this point, adjust the salt, then add black pepper and nutmeg. This is just one of the recipes, as the ingredients may vary slightly from region to region. The traditional Venetian recipe for risotto, for example, includes: rice, peas, onion, lard, olive oil, vegetable broth and a knob of butter to stir.
Being very versatile, they can be combined with both meat and fish. For example, cuttlefish with peas are excellent. They can also be used to prepare stuffed salted muffins as an appetizer. Tasty and appetizing, they have as ingredients: peas, milk, evo oil, seed oil, cooked ham, eggs, pecorino black pepper, flour, parsley, yeast and salt.
Fresh and nutritious are the asparagus and peas salads, seasoned with oil and salt. And again: mashed potatoes, peas and mint, or spring velvety with vegetable cream, fresh peas, basil, shallots and vegetable broth.
Good to eat in all seasons, peas as well as being tasty are a panacea for your health!

What makes an exceptional menu stand out? The quality of raw materials, the seasonality of products, the reference to tradition and an indispensable dose of creativity and innovation. The restaurant “il Piccolo Mondo”, in constant balance between contemporary and traditional, offers its customers a seafood menu based on fish from the Lazio coast and a menu of land inspired by Roman cuisine, with interesting revisitations and dishes suitable for the most demanding customers. The proposals for the summer are tinged with new colors, alchemy of flavors, contrasting notes and intense scents.

Seafood menu with catches from the coast of Lazio
Our seafood menu, based on fresh fish, offers dishes for all needs and for every taste. Lovers of the raw seafood can enjoy the fine appetizers, embellished with cruditès, citrus essences and spices: tuna tartare with strawberry and thyme vinegar; salmon tartare with celeriac and rhubarb; lime-scented navrina ceviche, coriander, raw pepper, red onion and ginger; amberjack and tomato carpaccio, with basil and lemon; raw Norwegian lobster with smoked salt and Roman zucchini carpaccio. Those who dare to experience them all at once can opt for the triumphant mixture of raw, which includes oysters, Norwegian lobsters, salmon, amberjack and navel ceviche. Among the hot dishes, the delicious fried mushrooms with golden artichokes shine with crispness, while the first courses of the sea are enriched with new proposals with an enveloping taste and a pleasant touch of freshness: egg tuna with cuttlefish gricia, raw asparagus and Roman pecorino cheese, linguine with pink shrimp and lime. Among the main courses, the fish soup of the day with potatoes and bread croutons and the lemon ombrina fillet with sauteed broccoli stand out.

Land-based menu inspired by Roman cuisine
Our dishes have always been inspired by the Roman tradition, which we look at with deep respect, without giving up the opportunity to experiment with new combinations and contemporary recipes. For this reason, we have included in the new menu proposals that are more appealing to local cuisine, albeit with a more sophisticated and innovative perspective. Together with the classic first courses (carbonara, cacio e pepe, amatriciana) we invite you to try our carbonara beef tartare with beef cheek, pecorino, egg red and pepper, the delicious beef meatballs with braised cabbage and the herb lamb carob with mushroom tabbouleh. An essential whim is represented by the DOP buffalo mozzarella from Campania with anchovies from the Cantabrian and rocket.

A small world made of sweetness
For the lovers of sweets and desserts we have in store irresistible temptations. You can taste the delicious tiramisu with savoiardi of the house, taste the excellent English soup with discs of dark chocolate, enjoy the soft atmosphere of the 70% dark chocolate cake with bisque olive oil and salty crumble or dive into the velvety heart of a crispy peanut cylinder with white chocolate foam, lime and basil.

A classic never lets you down, both in fashion and interior design. You can feel that in our restaurant, maybe for those photos from the golden age of the “dolce vita”, maybe for its vintage furniture and its location, a few steps away from Via Veneto. The reasons are many and they show.
The restaurant “il Piccolo Mondo” looks like a vintage Mercedes: it’s comfortable, elegant, with lots of gadgets and lots of style. The same classic and timeless style of Audrey Hepburn, who still to this day is a benchmark and subject of study of fashion academies all over the world.

A classic and elegant restaurant for sure, where you can eat dishes that reflects the ambiance but, obviously, always revisited and enriched.

In the last few years, bistros are popping up like mushrooms… It gives the impression of focusing less and less on service and welcoming. A nice mise en place, a tidy room and an always ready staff can’t go amiss in a restaurant, especially in an area of Rome that is often associated with luxury, both by the Romans and the tourists. For this reason we like to define ourselves as an elegant and classic restaurant, with a menu and wines matching with our clients’ expectations. Of course, lunch can be less demanding, surely. There are some dedicated menus, fit for lunch break on working days, an we do have a “corner for paper table cloths” for quick meals, but the style remains well defined. No compromises on that!

A marine perfume evaporates from the kitchen of our restaurant while our chef prepares his tasty tonarelli …
Stay near the kitchen, the chef reveals the tonnarelli recipe with shrimps, zucchinis, scented with lemon and mint

Ingredients for 4 people:

500g of Tonnarelli
500g of shrimp
2 zucchini
50g of poutargue
1 lime
Garlic and mint: according to your preferences


Cut the zucchinis in “julienne”.

Peel the shrimps.

In a frying pan, fry garlic in oil.

Add zucchinis and shrimp.

Grate the lime and add the mint and salt and pepper.

With the salsa obtained, mix pasta cooked previously al dente and sprinkle with the poutargue.

An easy and simple recipe!

Enjoy your meal!

This weekend, the chef proposes a refined recipe that will surprise your guests :  some crispy baskets chicken breast, olives, peppers scented with garlic and rosemary

Ingredients for 4

  •  1 Chicken
  • Slice
  • 2 Baked Peppers
  • garlic
  • rosemary
  • Olives
  • Extra Virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 pinch of chilli pepper
  • vinegar
  • 1 roll of puff pastry for baskets


Prepare the pasta baskets by forming squares that cover a bowl to form and bake them.

Boil chicken, dice.

Grate the garlic, rosemary, chicken, chili and cook over high heat.

Add a few spoonfuls of vinegar, season with salt and pepper, finely chop the peppers and then the olives.

Once cooked, fill the baskets with your preparation and serve.

Enjoy your meal!

What is the chef’s creation this month? Un fish based appetizers: anchovy and endive pie, with reisins, pine nuts and herbs.


  • Anchovy 500grTortino di alici fresche, scarola, uvetta, pinoli e pane aromatizzato alle erbe
  • Endive pie
  • Reisins
  • Pine nuts
  • Salt
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Chives
  • Oil
  • Parmesan


Peel the endive discarding the core and outer leaves, wash repeatedly under running water, cook it with oil. Season with endive pie, pine nuts, bread crumbs and chives.
Let cool, meanwhile, meanwhile, remove the head of the anchovies, open them lenghtwise, remove the bones and the innards. Wash and drain them on a double layer of paper towels. Line with shrink wrap a bowl  and lay the anchovies in a single layer. Pour endive into the bowl.
Invert the bowl on the baking dish, remove shrink wrap and sprinkle the Parmesan cheese over the pie. Bake 10 minutes and serve the  anchovy and endive pie warm or cold.

Buon appetito!