Pasta Casereccia con ricciola, melanzane croccanti e mollica di pane all'arancia

ONCE MONTH RECIPES: pasta casereccia with amberjack! A tasty fish based pasta with with crispy eggplants and orange bread crumbs


  • Pasta 320grPasta Casereccia con ricciola, melanzane croccanti e mollica di pane all'arancia
  • amberjack 300gr
  • eggplants 250gr
  • 1 garlic bulb
  • Oil
  • bread crumbs
  • 1 orange
  • Basil


Trim and cut the eggplants into 2cm slices, garnish with salad and put in a colander and allow to drain. In the meantime cut the ambarjack  into strips then dice.

Heat 3 tablespoons of oil in a pan and sweat the garlic, add amberjack and eggplants and cook.  Add salt, pepper and orange bread crumbs.

Meanwhyle cook the pasta according to the packet instructions, drain and toss with other ingredients over the heat for a few minutes to blend the flavours.